Investing for Beginners: How to Get Started

If the words investing in your future make you cringe, you’re not alone. But you sure are missing out! Not only can this be a major opportunity for you to grow your money but it’s also a way of making your money work for the long run.

That’s right! As hard working people, we know what it’s like to put our valuable time and strength to make a decent living with our hard earned money. But so that you know, investing is not like gambling. You cannot instantly double your money or lose it all. So, what if we told you that investing can not only make your bundle grow over time, but it can happen while you go off to brunch, maybe on a sweet vacay– heck even while you sleep. Now we’re talking, right? But that’s the main concept behind investing. It’s a way to get the most out of your money. To help you get started, we’ve rounded up three tips to get you jumping into the world of investing.

Let go of your fears

If there’s one thing successful investors have in common, it’s that they believe in no pain, no gain. Yes, investing your money means there will be times when things are looking high and times when things are looking low. But that’s where Finhabits enters the picture and guides you to reach your goals. From easily opening an account to investing in a fully diversified portfolio, which means you’re not putting all your eggs in one basket. Finhabits has your back. Situated around what you’re dreaming of for the future, we take your hand and help you reach those goals, a little faster. Woohoo!

Get into the habit

Much like eating healthy, investing in your future is a habit that you need to get yourself into. The more often you do it, the better, and the easier it’ll become. Putting your money to grow doesn’t only sound dreamy, but it’s completely possible. Begin with small but recurring amounts. In the beginning, the biggest mistake you can do is to ask too much from yourself. Start putting aside whatever you can afford, even if it’s $5 a week. Finhabits allows you to start with as little as that! Doesn’t that sound nice?

Give it time

Before start asking for immediate results, keep in mind that the aftermath of investing takes time. You’ve heard it before, but we’ll say it again: patience is key––especially when it comes to investing your money. For example, if you invest $100 every month for the next ten years, you can expect to create $4,300 in gains.* Finhabits’ portfolios include different types of investments, such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, but they all require you to stay cool for at least 3 years.

Finhabits keeps things easy to help everybody get into the habit of investing for the future. Get your account started at

* The example of $4,300 in gains is the result of an annualized return of 6% inclusive of compound interest.


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