Our Afternoon with Señorita ETF

Señorita ETF isn’t your typical investment type. We followed her for a whole afternoon to help you better understand why she is so unique.

Señorita ETF, many investors like you. Tell us, what is different about you?

They sure do! That’s because each ETF contains different kinds of investments (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.), all within the same fund. So, when you’re looking to diversify your investments, I’m the one you need. It’s never a good idea to keep all your eggs in one basket anyways.

What would you say is your best quality?

Low fees. I cost just fractions of a percentage point (between 0.05%-0.25% a year), while other investments, like Mutual Funds, charge over 2% a year. Can you really say no to lower fees?

Do you have any hobbies?

I enjoy collecting dividends from my various companies and passing the money onto you. Lots of people consider me to be a better option than stocks or mutual funds.

Fun fact?

I enjoy long walks down Wall Street. Also, my full name is “Exchange-Traded Fund” but I go by ETF… I’m a cool girl.


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